Job Squad

What is Job Squad?

Birley Primary Academy’s Job Squad is a fantastic opportunity aimed at Key Stage 2 children that offers children the chance to secure a key role and responsibility in the everyday upholding of our academy.

Roles range from the management and upholding of the playground – such as litter picking and equipment monitors – to wider roles, including assembly music monitors and register monitors. As part of the Job Squad, we also work alongside and support groups of children with some of the wider responsibilities of the academy, including our Eco-Warriors and our School Council.

To provide you with more information about our Job Squad, please read some of the quotes taken from our Pupil Voice interviews held with some of the children who are part of the Job Squad.

What do you like about Job Squad?

“I like Job Squad because you get to make people happy and help Mrs McAughey run our special Sparkle and Shine assembly.” Sophie, Y3.

“I like helping the play workers outside by making our playground tidy.” Amelia, Y3.

“It is fun and we get to see and help lots of children all through the school.”  Olive, Y6

Why do you think Job Squad is good for the school?

“Job Squad helps us keep our school environment tidy and we can help our adults out with their work.” – Rogan, Y3.

“We are able to make the playground tidy so that all the children can enjoy their playground. We keep it nice and clean!” Scarlett, Y3

“Job Squad is good because we can have our independence and own job to help the academy. We can do all of the jobs by ourselves!’ – Tyrone and Eva, Y5.

What is your favourite job?

“I love litter picking because I like keeping this school tidy!” Imogen, Y3

“I love being the register monitor because we can help the office out by delivering the register wallets.” Freya, Y6

“I love being the music monitor because it is entertaining and we have learnt so much on how to use the sound equipment.” – Tyrone, Y5.

“I love helping with important fundraising activities, such as selling poppies for Remembrance Day because it helps people in need and everyone loves buying a band or a poppy to show their respect.” – Olive, Y6.

How do children become a part of the Job Squad?

Because Job Squad is extremely popular and open to all children in Key Stage 2, they must express their interest in a role by completing an application form before attending an interview for their preferred role. Miss Slater welcomes new applicants for the roles at the start of every term!